Parable of the Sower Resources


Officially Official Octavia Butler Website

How can a deceased writer have an official website? Never mind, here it is: a central resource for Octavia Butler stuff online.

Radio Imagination

This program, organized by nonprofit arts org Clockshop, focuses on ten commissions exploring Octavia Butler's papers at the Huntington Library.

Octavia Butler's Papers

Here's where you'd go if you really wanted to dig into Octavia Butler's work. The Huntingdon Library in San Marino, California is where her archive of papers is located.


Wait, There Was More?

You know Parable of the Sower has a sequel, Parable of the Talents. But did you know Octavia Butler had more novels planned for the series? She sure did. Find out about them here.


Julie Dash Interviews Octavia Butler

Check out this 1995 interview with Octavia Butler, not long after the publication of Parable of the Sower.

Octavia Butler Speaks

Here are some clips of Octavia Butler speaking in 2002 during a panel discussion at UCLA.

Black Sci-Fi

Here we've got some excerpts featuring Octavia Butler from the 1992 documentary Black Sci-Fi.

Octavia Butler Interviewed by Charlie Rose (Part 1)

This interview aired June 1, 2000 on the nightly PBS program Charlie Rose.

Octavia Butler Interviewed by Charlie Rose (Part 2)

Octavia with Charlie, Part Deux.


Original Jacket Art

Curious what the artwork looked like for the novel when it came out in 1993? Take a gander.

Octavia Butler Herself

Neat photo of Octavia Butler signing a book in 2005.