Passion Sexuality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Paragraph)

Quote #4

What she remembers is…hardly distinguishable from the idea, her fantasies at that time, of what sex should be like…an airy surrender, flesh nothing now but a stream of desire. (183)

This passage's tone suggests a kind of yearning for those fantasies from a younger age. Or maybe "yearning" is the wrong word. It's more of a, "Boy was I stupid to think that" kind of tone. Hey, we've all got to learn somehow. 

Quote #5

He picked up the hand that was not holding the Coke bottle, pressed the palm of it to his mouth, gave it a lick, and let it drop. (200)

This is such a strange and memorable action. How does it affect your reading of the story? Would your reading be different if Neil did something more benign, like lean over and kiss Grace on the cheek?