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Pericles, Prince of Tyre True or False

1. Who is Gower talking about when he says "bad child, worse father to entice his own / To evil should be done by none"? -> Pericles and Marina
2. Who is Lychorida talking to when she says "Take in your arms this piece / Of your dead queen"? -> Pericles
3. Which character complains about having to raise all the "poor bastards" in the brothel? -> Bawd
4. What does Pericles mean when he says the following to Marina: "O, come hither, / Thou that beget'st him that did thee beget;" -> He's upset that she's pregnant and not married.
5. Which figure is always telling the audience we have to use our imaginations while we watch the play? "In your imagination hold / This stage the ship, upon whose deck / The sea-toss'd Pericles appears to speak." -> Gower
