


by Marjane Satrapi

Related History & Literature on Shmoop

Available to teachers only as part of the Teaching Persepolis Teacher Pass

Teaching PersepolisTeacher Pass includes:

  • Assignments & Activities
  • Reading Quizzes
  • Current Events & Pop Culture articles
  • Discussion & Essay Questions
  • Challenges & Opportunities
  • Related Readings in Literature & History

Sample of Related History & Literature on Shmoop

  1. The Reagan Era
    If your students are movie buffs and watched Ben Affleck kick some serious butt in Argo, they may be familiar with the Americans that were taken hostage during the Iran Hostage Crisis. Another reality of Marji's world.

  2. What About Us?
    We read so much about the strict rules around clothing in Iran, but what about in America? How have women, for example, succeeded in rising against others telling them what to do with their bodies?