Platoon Resources

We've got your history needs covered with Shmoop's module about the Vietnam War.

… with this link to Oliver Stone's official website.

Here's a site dedicated to veterans of the Vietnam War. It contains links to pictures, testimonials, and other materials—so you can learn the truth about what went on over there.
Book or TV Adaptations

If you dug Platoon, check out this book about all about Oliver Stone's films.

Here's a popular new book about one of the earliest units in Vietnam, a unit that went over in the same year (1967) as Chris Taylor.

This book discusses the history of combat films since 1945. Prepare to go down the rabbit hole.

This book, co-written by Oliver Stone, tells the "untold" history of the United States
Articles and Interviews

This article talks about the North Vietnamese perception of the Vietnam War.

Never doubt the master. Here's Roger Ebert's review of Platoon.

Here's review of Platoon from the New York Times from 1986.

In this clip Oliver Stone accepts the Best Director Oscar in 1987 for his work on Platoon.

A clip of Oliver Stone winning his second Oscar for directing (Born on the Forth of July).

Here's video of Tom Berenger winning the Golden Globe for Best Supporting Actor. He wasn't at the ceremony.

These scenes that didn't the final cut of the film include an alternate ending. Score.

Here's a slightly different version of Samuel Barber's "Adagio for Strings," which is pretty much the theme song of Platoon.

For all you collectors out there, allow Shmoop to present a set of three G.I. Joe-looking dolls based on characters from Platoon (Elias, Barnes, and Taylor).

Check out this photo of Oliver Stoned flanked by a smiling Willem Dafoe and Charlie Sheen.

In this photo of the cast of Platoon, they're all looking pretty grizzled and haggard.

A visit to the Vietnam War Memorial in Washington, D.C. is definitely worth the trip.

The real Oliver Stone, in the real Vietnam.