Pnin The Home Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Section.Paragraph)

Quote #10

From the sideboard and dining-room table Pnin removed to the kitchen sink the used china and silverware. He put away what food remained into the bright Arctic light of the refrigerator. The ham and tongue had all gone, and so had the little sausages; but the vinaigrette had not been a success, and enough caviar and meat tarts were left over for a meal or two tomorrow. "Boom-boom-boom," said the china closet as he passed by. He surveyed the living room and started to tidy it up. A last drop of Pnin's Punch glistened in its beautiful bowl. Joan had crooked a lipstick-stained cigarette butt in her saucer; Betty had left no trace and had taken all the glasses back to the kitchen. Mrs. Thayer had forgotten a booklet of pretty multicolored matches on her plate, next to a bit of nougat. Mr. Thayer had twisted into all kinds of weird shapes half a dozen paper napkins; Hagen had quenched a messy cigar in an uneaten bunchlet of grapes. (6.13.1)

Even though it's basically just a description of junk left behind after a party, this seemed is actually very sad and poignant. No one likes cleaning up, but if this were Pnin's home we're sure he'd be at least a little excited to take care of it. But instead, cleaning up after the party where he found out he was fired is like putting away a dream he had that will never come true.