How we cite our quotes: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
Was I the booby prize? [...] Am I alive only because Ruth May is dead? (5.3.22)
Adah's a little different than her sisters. She doesn't blame herself for Ruth May's death; she blames Ruth May's death for her own life.
Quote #8
What if I marked [Pascal] with some English word I taught him, as stupidly as we doomed our parrot? (5.6.26)
Even though Leah's practically in another country when Pascal is murdered by rival soldiers, she finds a way to take responsibility for his death. Now that's an overdeveloped sense of guilt.
Quote #9
You would be free too. And I didn't want that. I wanted you to remember what he did to us. (5.12.48)
While Rachel and Leah don't blame their mother for what happened to them (or they don't articulate it), Adah makes no qualms about her mother's culpability. She wants to make sure she lives with the guilt. (Hey, daddy issues aren't the only issues these girls have.)