How we cite our quotes: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
According to my Baptist Sunday-school teacher, a child is denied entrance to heaven merely for being born in the Congo. (2.8.4)
Once again, white privilege rears its ugly head. This is an imaginary injustice that leads to an actual injustice: when these people think the dark races of the Congo need "saving." The only thing they need to be saved from is these people.
Quote #5
Bongo Bango Bingo. That is the story of Congo they are telling now in America: a story of cannibals. [...] The guilty blame the damaged. (2.8.14)
The Americans' ignorance of the Congo isn't entirely their fault. It's also the fault of the American media, making the Congolese out to be communists or carefree bums.
Quote #6
Leopoldville [has] nice paved streets for the whites, and surrounding it, for miles and miles, nothing but dusty run-down shacks for the Congolese. [...] Americans would never stand for this kind of unequal treatment. (2.11.13)
America being, at the time, the country of Jim Crow laws. And Rachel thinks they wouldn't stand for unequal treatment? LOL.