How we cite our quotes: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
This forest eats itself and lives forever. (1.Prologue.2)
The forest is like a real life Ouroboros. Infinity is possible, but not without death and rebirth.
Quote #2
"Where you'd be wearing out the knees of your trousers, sir, they just have to go ahead and wear out their knees!" (1.7.16)
In the Congo, bodies are like tools. They're used and abused, and some damage is irreparable. It's not a bad thing; it's just the way life is.
Quote #3
If God had amused himself inventing the lilies of the field, he surely knocked His own socks off with the African parasites. (1.10.37)
It's easy to forget that we're not the only creatures on this planet. There are millions of them that we can't even see. Does their size make them unimportant? Not to Adah—but definitely to Nathan.