How we cite our quotes: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
Mr. Patrice will be the Prime Minister of the Congo now and it won't be the Belgian Congo anymore, it will be the Republic of Congo. And do you think anybody in this hip town we live in is actually going to notice? (2.9.5)
Despite making fun of the guy's name, Rachel makes a good point here. Many citizens of the now Republic of Congo won't even notice a difference. Who is this change of power mostly going to benefit? And are the consequences of American elections really any different?
Quote #8
I have seen preachers at revival meetings speak [...] with voices rising in such a way that heaven and anger get mingled together. (2.11.8)
Leah observes something that politicians and preachers have in common: charisma. So, what's the difference between politics and religion? To the Kilanga, not much. They think they can vote for Jesus just like they vote for a political leader.