
This is a helpful biography of Robert Browning, with links to several of his poems, including a recording of "My Last Duchess."

The Victorian Web is a useful site for anyone interested in Victorian Literature. This page has links to a lot of information on Robert Browning's life and works.

This is a link to the Browning Society's webpage. They have loads of interesting information on the Brownings.

YouTube video dramatization of the poem, shot in the White Mountains of New Hampshire.

This video is a dramatization of the action of the poem without the words.


Each line of the poem has a digital image accompanying it.

Check out the Victorian facial hair on this guy!

This is an image of Robert Browning's manuscript of The Ring and the Book, a narrative poem that is 21,000 lines long! This piece was published in four installments in 1868 and 1869l.
Historical Documents


This article offers an interesting reading of "Porphyria's Lover."

This article responds to J.T. Best's article about "Porphyria's Lover" and discusses the ambiguities in the poem.

This article responds to J.T. Best's argument and offers an alterative reading.