Populations and Samples Examples

Example 1

Scientists measured the weight of 100 randomly selected buffalo, because there was nothing good on TV that evening. Their average weight was 1200 pounds. The buffalo, not the scientists. Identify the population, the sample, the parameter, and the estimate of this study.

Example 2

A researcher wants to know if people prefer to butter their toast on the top or on the bottom. She buys ad space on several popular websites asking people to take her survey. She gets over 1000 responses, and concludes that people prefer to butter the bottom of their toast. What is the problem with how this study was carried out?

Example 3

Just how destructive is the Kool-Aid Man? We went out and measured the size of the holes he had made in 20 walls. What kind of study is this: a sample survey, an experiment, or an observational study?