Quantitative Data and Probability Resources
Best of the Web. Picked by our PhDs

What did you expect, another explanation of finding the expected value? Well, that's what we've got here. Sorry if we surprised you with it.

The standard deviation just wants to help us estimate the variation in a sample. That, and to compete as an Olympic figure skater. We think it should just stick to what it's good at.

More bell-shaped curves than most people can shake a stick at. Only professional stick-shakers should even attempt it.

Picking a random number is tough. But if you love numbers enough, you'll use radiation to track some down.

Shmoop, meet the sampling distribution. Sampling distribution, this is Shmoop. Now that the introductions are out of the way, we think you'll have a lot in common.

Standard normal tables (or Z-score tables, as they are sometimes known) can be confusing. Maybe a wacky example or two will help?

The area between two points on a normal distribution—is there any space scarier? Other than under your bed, obviously.
Games and Tools

This website uses atmospheric noise to generate random numbers. Interestingly, the first prototype for this website used radio static to pick up atmospheric noise. If you ever need to run a lottery for your school or job, this is the site to use.

Graphing our data makes it look pretty, but it takes so long to do by hand. Who has that kind of time? Use this to see where your data falls, and get the mean, median, and mode in a flash, too.

Start with a normally distributed dataset. Then, pull a sample out and calculate an estimate. Then do it again and again. See it happen in real time by clicking this link, and then the Begin button to the left. We like watching each data point as it falls into place.