How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
"Do you think that any consideration would tempt me to accept the man who has been the means of ruining, perhaps forever, the happiness of a most beloved sister?"
One of her kicks found its mark, and Darcy was sent into the mantelpiece with such force as to shatter its edge. Wiping the blood from his mouth, he looked at her with a smile of affected incredulity. (34.10, 13)
Come on, part of you knows that this marriage proposal scene is at least 50% more awesome with bone-crunching violence. Mr. Darcy is being a bit of a jerk here, so we think he deserves to get a bit of a kick into the mantelpiece.
Quote #8
Elizabeth could not help but feel a sense of joy as she watched cage after cage of zombies burn—heard their terrible shrieks as the fire (which they feared above all else) licked at their feet, then ignited the whole of their putrid flesh and hastened them back to Hell. When the zombies were nothing more than bone and ash, the cages were lowered back onto their wagons, and carried away to be filled anew. (42.10)
We love the smell of zombies in the morning.
Quote #9
The zombies let forth a most unpleasant roar as they came within biting distance, and Elizabeth returned it in kind as she began her counterattack. But no sooner had she struck down the first five or six, than the cracking of gunpowder scattered the score that remained. […] On this she was again met with shock, though of a decidedly different nature—for upon a steed, holding a still-smoking Brown Bess, was none other than the owner of the grounds on which she stood. (43.46)
This is awkward. Elizabeth is just about to fight off a horde of zombies when, suddenly, Mr. Darcy appears. And, of course, he looks super handsome holding that musket. How's a girl supposed to resist him?