How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #10
Elizabeth backed Lady Catherine against a wall, and held the tip of her sword to her wrinkled throat. "Well?" said Catherine, "Take my head then, but be quick about it."
Elizabeth lowered her blade, and with a voice much affected by exercise, said, "To what end, your ladyship? That I might procure the condemnation of a man for whom I care so much? No. No, your ladyship—whether you shall live to see him married to your daughter, or married to me, I know not. But you shall live. And for the rest of your days, you shall know that you have been bested by a girl for whom you have no regard, and whose family and master you have insulted in the harshest possible manner." (56.76-77)
After an ultraviolent encounter, Elizabeth spares Lady Catherine's life. Maybe she doesn't have to run around killing everyone and everything, after all? Anyway, by showing mercy, Elizabeth gets her man. He knows it's love when Elizabeth refuses to behead his aunt. Swoon.