Psalms Resources

Read 'em all, King James style.

Itching for some Psalms at 3:00AM? We'll do you one better—here, they're set to music.

Rastafarian culture has used Pslams in reggae music for decades. What do you think—a good mix?

When the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered, the writings contained a collection of psalms, and a few original writings that are psalm-ish.

A Holocaust survivor depicted all 150 psalms in painting. And now he's here to tell you about it.

These things were written thousands of years ago, and here we are reading them out loud today. Barack Obama chose Psalm 46 for this particular occasion.

The Psalms even move Charlie.

Not the most moving reading, but a nice way to hear what they sound like out loud.

U2 has dabbled in the Psalms, and in this live video they perform Psalm 40. Awesomely, we might add.

Psalm 137 has been set to music more times than you can image. Here you can check it out in reggae.

Ancient Israel was a crossroads between Egypt and Mesopotamia. Oh, and those rivers up there on the right? Those are the rivers of Babylon (remember Psalm 137?).

This older map tries to place Biblical cities in context. Plus it's colorful.

Even in the desert, former empires left their marks.