Pulp Fiction Language and Communication Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Pulp Fiction.

Quote #4

MIA: Don't you hate that?


MIA: Uncomfortable silences. Why do we feel it's necessary to yak about bulls*** in order to be comfortable?

VINCENT: I don't know.

MIA: That's when you know you found somebody special. When you can just shut the f*** up for a minute and comfortably share silence.

Mia definitely has a point; sometimes we just talk for the sake of talking because not saying anything would just be awkward. But there's another layer what she's saying. She's challenging Vincent to see if they can have that kind of relationship.

Quote #5

(Vincent slams the adrenaline shot into Mia's chest and she comes out of shock in a jolt, sitting up and taking heaving breaths.)

LANCE: If you're okay, say something.

MIA: Something.

Even in their most desperate times, Tarantino's characters are sarcastic and funny. Maybe she's just too freaked out to think of what to say, but it reminds us of her earlier comment to Vincent about "yakking about bulls***."

Quote #6

BUTCH: Now all this other s***, you coulda set on fire, but I specifically reminded you not to forget my father's watch. Now think, did you get it?

FABIENNE: I believe so...

BUTCH: You believe so? What does that mean!? You either did, or you didn't! Now which one is it?

FABIENNE: Then I did.

BUTCH: Are you sure? […] No! It's not your fault. You left it at the apartment. If you did leave it at the apartment, it's not your fault. I had you bring a bunch of stuff. I reminded you about it, but I didn't illustrate how personal the watch was to me. If all I gave a f*** about was my watch, I should've told you. You're not a mind reader, are you?

Butch fails to communicate the importance of the watch. This might not seem important in the moment other than to show that Butch really values the watch. But just think of all the subsequent action that flows from that miscommunication: Vincent's death, Butch and Marsellus being kidnapped. Poor Fabienne—even though Butch concludes that it's not Fabienne's fault, there're only so many things you can retract.