Punkzilla Criminality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

[…] Branson told me how he had a room at Washington House and how the top bunk was open because his boy Tom-Tom just got caught selling digital cameras out of the back of a U-Haul and how Tom-Tom got sent to some juvy home in Corvallis where they put a computer chip in your arm. (5.93)

The part about the computer chip would be highly illegal, but Branson operates in a world in which highly illegal stuff happens on a daily basis.

Quote #5

She said I was more than welcome to use her cell phone and she had an iPhone and as soon as she held it up I had this instinct to take it P like thieving is in my blood now. (8.46)

Fortunately, Jamie redirects his thievery to Sam's backpack instead of Sam's mom's cell phone. It's still not right, but swiping a kid's backpack full of underwear is less traumatic than, say, beating up his mom.

Quote #6

That's when I grabbed his book bag. P you can call me a thief but that would be lame because you've known that about me for a while now. You'd have to call me something else to be original like a marauder. A marauder or like a bandit. (8.58)

If you know the word "marauder," you have no business being one. You should probably be writing instead. P manages to tell Jamie that—although not in those exact words—before his death.