Punkzilla Criminality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Plus he used so much punctuation which I am bad at I admit like especially with commas. I never know where they're supposed to go or how many you're supposed to use so I pretty much just leave them out. I guess that makes me a grammar bandit too. (8.71)

What Jamie lacks in punctuation skills, he makes up for in voice. Here at Shmoop, we're all about the punctuation, but we're even more about good literature—which, as Punkzilla proves, doesn't always need commas.

Quote #8

I was starting to get a little worried that that dude with the mustache at the Best Western was going to come over and make me pay for my room and look in my book bag at all the stuff I stole and call the cops or something. (15.24)

Jamie scores a free room at Best Western through a combination of lying and employee oversight, but a stolen backpack carries a lot of weight. Paranoia is heavy.

Quote #9

The smiling man led me to a back room which had this big gray backdrop thing and some pretty nice-looking camera equipment like the kind of stuff you could sell on eBay. (15.34)

Here Jamie is, at the mercy of a dubious photographer, and he's thinking about stealing the camera equipment. General life rule: Escaping shade trumps making money.