Punkzilla Drugs and Alcohol Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

A simple memory suddenly multiplies itself by a thousand and takes over your sleeping life. I've heard that's how acid works. (8.16)

After meeting a girl named Mags with a gorilla on her sweatshirt, Jamie dreams of flying gorillas. Hallucinations are dreams that happen when you're awake, and hallucinogens amplify mundane visual stimuli into flying-gorilla-like proportions.

Quote #5

[…] Lewis scored some weed that came in this little plastic terrarium and then the guy left and we wound up getting really stoned like it was maybe the best weed I've ever smoked in my life. (12.63)

Any escape from reality feels good when you've just been sobbing about your brother's impending death. Even bad weed would have felt like great weed to Jamie that night.

Quote #6

I've been thinking about starting to walk east on Interstate 80. It's a stupid thought I know because a cop would definitely stop me but I'm on my second joke Coke and I'm liable to do anything. (15.50)

Jamie mixes liquor stolen from a hotel mini-bar with a rest stop Coke and ponders bad life decisions. Fortunately, his fear of law enforcement keeps him from getting hit by a semi while stumbling along the highway.