Punkzilla Drugs and Alcohol Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Meth is the last thing I want to be on right now but I do wish I had some of my medication because I'm having trouble focusing P focusing on anything right now is hard so I decided to write you again because it's the only thing that makes me feel better. (19.5)

Kent gives Jamie a cigarette, then acts surprised when Jamie knows how to smoke it. He's giving a runaway kid a smoke out of sympathy, but he's also testing how much he can say and do in Jamie's presence.

Quote #8

He said "So you sobered up yet?" and I told him I was cool and then he asked me why I drank and if I was bored with life and I said maybe a little…(19.21)

Jamie's actually really curious about and engaged with life, but you can only let life kick you in the head so many times before you start looking for an escape.

Quote #9

Halfway through the Sopranos Albertina asked me if I wanted to smoke some pot. She said not to worry and that it was legal because her doctor prescribed it. (19.105)

News flash: It's illegal to smoke without a prescription, even if the girl you're hooking up with has lupus. (Another news flash: The fact that we got to write that sentence is one of the reasons we love YA.)