Punkzilla Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I know that garden helps her but it makes me sad and tense when I think about her always sneaking around back there just to get away from the Major so she can just sit in peace or like put her hand on a tree because that's the best she gets. (5.20)

Rather than finding a way to get away from the Major and save her kids, Jamie's mom looks for comfort from inanimate objects. Jamie both feels sorry for her and resents her.

Quote #5

I wanted to yell at them to run away while there was still hope to like get the f*** away from their parents and board a ship to some deserted island or some place where they could create their own society with their own rules but I didn't even open my mouth. (5.62)

Jamie sees the potential kids have if they get away from their families—they might retain their imaginations a bit longer, they might not have hang-ups and guilt. But he knows their parents also provide homes, and he's unable to plant the idea that they should run screaming. Where would they run to?

Quote #6

Do you think it's in our genes? Maybe Mom was some crazy shoplifter in her youth or maybe the Major does weird s*** like steal a pack of breath mints when he's in line at the grocery store? (8.58)

If Edward got the Major's discipline, Jamie thinks he and P must have gotten their mom's genes, and there must be stuff she's not telling them.