Punkzilla Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

[…] you have so much of that, Jamie, so much potential. All three of us do, and even though Peter is squandering his down in Memphis or Athens, Georgia or wherever it is that he is busy being an opinionated homosexual, there is still hope for you. (11.8)

What Edward doesn't see is that P and Jamie's potential to survive in a larger world is what serves them—not sticking around and trying to follow the Major's stringent rules.

Quote #8

By the way, I should tell you that the person I started dating is your brother Edward. I know it must be weird for you to hear that because of your invitation and because of the fact that he's a senior and I'm a freshman, but it's not as strange as it sounds. (16.4)

Cornelia Zenrich, Jamie's hometown crush, writes him and rubs her normalcy in his face by telling Jamie she's dating Edward. In doing so, she deepens the cracks in his already broken heart.

Quote #9

I was like "You don't even know me" and she said "But I'm enjoying GETTING to know you" and then I finally said it P I said "I'm not your son!" and man it was such a relief to say that. (19.74)

Marty's whack, somewhere on the spectrum between seductive and motherly, which is a confusing spectrum indeed. It would seem she's suffering from long-term, untreated postpartum psychosis.