Punkzilla Sex Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I'll probably wind up dating some shy girl with a neck brace and an ass shaped like a stop sign and she'll NEVER lift her hoodie for me not even if I pay her. (12.14)

Note to Jamie: If you're this sexually frustrated before puberty, we don't want you to find out what happens after.

Quote #5

After that we made out and she put my hand down her pants […] and she started rubbing me and things were getting really intense. I couldn't believe how fast it was all happening P but it felt right it really did! (19.111)

Call us crazy, but if you're a teenage boy and a cute girl has her hand down your pants, we submit that there are few ways it could feel other than right.

Quote #6

Man I was high and it was such a beautiful thing P. I mean her breasts were sort of small but they were so PERFECT like they should be put in a museum or something! (19.113)

Again, we submit that if you're really high and you see boobs for the first time, there are few things they can seem other than perfect. Still, Jamie's sense of wonder is refreshing.