Punkzilla Sex Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

[…] she asked me if I wanted to do it […] I told her I was a virgin and she said she was too and I said "You are?" and she said "Yeah but what the hell right? I figure I got this stupid disease and my heart sucks and I don't know how much longer I'll be around." (19.115)

Kind of seems like Albertina's using Jamie, right? At least she admits it, even if not in those exact words. He falls for her anyway, though.

Quote #8

[…] she put the condom on me and started to feel me more and I told her how I didn't have any pubic hair yet and she was like "Who needs pubic hair?" (19.116)

Jamie's body is in several stages of development at once, but that doesn't mean he won't get naked with a girl as soon as the opportunity presents itself.

Quote #9

She couldn't move around so much and we had to stop a few times so she could get into a more comfortable position because her hips were aching from her lupus but once we got a rhythm going it was like nothing I've ever felt before. (19.119)

Jamie's consideration of Albertina's physical pain in the face of his overwhelming sexual urges is a sign that maybe, despite stealing electronics from old ladies and Service Merchandise, he'll turn out okay.