How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Panel)
Quote #4
Only one drawing stands out for its personal style, but it’s in the bottom rows. (4.43)
How sad. People who try to express themselves and have a distinct personality are shunned in North Korea. But do you think this is something that happens only there? Maybe North Korea is just more extreme about it?
Quote #5
It used to be risky to grow your own food in the “paradise of socialism.” But with today’s shortages, the regime looks the other way. (4.46-4.47)
This is a big difference between North Korea and the rest of the world, and yet another example of their arbitrary rules. The government tries to control everything, down to how many chickens the people can own. Seriously, though: things must be really tough if the regime is willing to look the other way about anything.
Quote #6
You have to be on your guard for devious spies hatching evil plans to destabilize the socialist system. (4.64)
One thing the regime of North Korea does to control its people is turn them against each other. Citizens are encouraged to speak out against their friends and neighbors. It’s a dangerous culture of dishonesty. Who needs constant technological surveillance when your people are already doing the dirty work for you?