Ra (Re)'s Police Reports
Ra (Re)'s Police Reports
Harassing Nut and Geb
Case Description: Defendant (Ra) is accused of harassing Nut and Geb about their children being born. Ra declared that they couldn't be born on any day of the year. Case Status: Pending. Thoth chal...
Property Damage due to Coronal Mass Ejection (CME)
Case Description: Defendant (Ra) is accused of causing widespread havoc on earth after a giant solar storm in 1859 caused a CME that reached Earth in 17 hours and left telegraph damage and weird au...
Ra vs. Apep
Case Description: Defendant (Apep), a giant snake, is accused of attacking Ra's solar boat when it climbs the sky at every sunrise.Case Status: Guilty as charged. Ra ordered Seth to bring his might...