Good vs. Evil Quotes

How we cite our quotes:

Quote #7

"At this particular time and place, and for my work, they are necessary evils… not my friends."

Having tempted Indy in the bar with the allure of moral equivalency, Belloq suddenly draws a very clear line between himself and the "real" bad guys. Clearly, he's living in denial. He's going to hand the Ark over to them, after all, and his hypocrisy may be the most damning thing about him. Contrast that with Indy, who does a lot of soul searching in the film and confronts his failings rather than deny them like Belloq does.

Quote #8

"We have a place in the hold for you. Come on, go go go, my friend. Go!"

We're not sure what to make of Katanga initially. Is he going to be true to the cause of right, or will he grab what he can and run when the chips are down, just like Satipo? With this line, he silences our doubts and reminds us that everybody in Raiders eventually has to pick a side.

Quote #9

"Your persistence surprises even me. You're going to give mercenaries a bad name!"

This is a weird line and not just because the guy delivering it swallows a fly midway through. Belloq suggests that Indy's in it for the money (though he kind of is) and then shakes his head at how a guy supposedly cashing a check is willing to hang onto the side of a submarine to do right. Good guys, apparently, don't keep office hours.