Good vs. Evil Quotes

How we cite our quotes:

Quote #4

"I am a shadowy reflection of you. It would take only a nudge to make you like me: to push you out of the light."

Belloq's exaggerating a little here, but he does understand the temptations of the Dark Side—the bad things Indy's done and might like to do—and the fact that Indy really doesn't like being reminded of that. In literary terms, that's one of the purposes of Evil: to tempt Good with the things that Good really wants in order to test Good's resolve.

Quote #5

"Boy they're not kidding, are they?"

This is a reflection of methodology rather than morals. The bad guys, aka the Nazis, are running around the countryside in tanks and Jeeps, ordering the locals around in huge groups and generally making a mess of things. Indy and Sallah, on the other hand, are like mice in a den of lions: sneaking around very carefully and trying as hard as they can not to draw attention.

Quote #6

"Only the mission for the Fuhrer matters!"

Thank you Dietrich for reminding us what authentic Bad Guy Dialogue is supposed to sound like!