How we cite our quotes:
Quote #1
"Yes, the museum will buy them as usual, no questions asked."
Indy's a good guy, but as we observed in the "Cast" section, he's possessed of a little moral ambiguity. The lines are clearly drawn in this movie. It's just that some characters edge a little closer to them than others. Indy's willing to step into some shadows that another character, say, Sallah, wouldn't. Belloq plays a similar trick, which we'll talk about in a bit.
Quote #2
"They want you to get a hold of the Ark before the Nazis do, and they're prepared to pay handsomely for it."
The interesting part of this quote is the "prepared to pay handsomely" part. As if Indy is doing this solely for the money. Certainly there's a whiff of the mercenary to it, but Indy never talks about money at any other time. Again, it gives him a little moral shading without ever making us question whose side he's on.
Quote #3
"Fraulein Ravenwood let me show you what I am used to…"
As if the sight of a cackling man in black leather fingering an instrument of torture weren't enough. This is a pretty obvious quote, but notice how we don't actually have to see Toht do anything to show us how evil he is. It's all in the actor's delivery: that workaday casualness that says he does this sort of thing all the time. You don't have to show us anything more than that.