How we cite our quotes:
Quote #4
"If I take you out of here now, they'll start combing the place for us!"
These two may be on the road to positive change, but Indy at least still has a few culs-de-sac to navigate. Specifically, he values the Ark more than her, which means leaving her in the hands of filthy, unwashed Prussians who might shoot her just to see if the gun works. Indy, this is serious Bad Boyfriend stuff. Knock it off!
Quote #5
"It was not I who brought the girl into this business."
Once again, Belloq knows how slide the knife between Indy's ribs. In this case, however he's right: Indy's responsible for involving Marion, which means he has to look inside himself to make the change.
Quote #6
"Look at this. It's worthless. Ten dollars from a vendor in the street. But I take it and bury in the sand for a thousand years, and it becomes priceless!"
Belloq cuts right to the heart of the matter by explaining how time and tide can turn worthless junk into thundering engines of unstoppable cool. Nothing strictly happens to the hypothetical watch he talks about, but there's a big change nonetheless. Belloq's referring to how unscrupulous some people can be in peddling antiquities real and fake and suggesting Indy's done that too in the past. The Ark changes that for Indy.