How we cite our quotes:
Quote #7
"Where'd you get this, from him? I was trying to escape, no thanks to you!"
Interesting response here: Indy's jealous! You wouldn't think so considering that he left Marion in the hands of the guy he's jealous of, but there it is. And like Marion's in Nepal, his anger represents the first step of real change, which ends with her forgiveness and drinks all around.
Quote #8
"You're not the man I knew ten years ago."
At long last, Marion has really begun to melt: acknowledging that Indy has changed and that she can care about him without risking a second broken heart.
Quote #9
"That depends on how reasonable we're all willing to be. All I want is the girl."
This is the final proof of Indy's transformation: a willingness to let the Nazis have the Ark if only Marion is kept safe. She matters to him more than it, and with that transition, Indy's path to BBB (better boyfriend behavior) is cemented.