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The Reagan Era Timeline

The Reagan Era Timeline

How It All Went Down

Feb 6, 1911

Reagan Born

Ronald Reagan is born in Illinois.


Reagan Launches Film Career

Ronald Reagan signs a seven-year contract with the Warner Brothers studio in Hollywood, launching a film career that will eventually include roles in more than 50 movies.


Win One for the Gipper

Ronald Reagan portrays Notre Dame football star George Gipp in the film, Knute Rockne, All American. In his most famous scene, Reagan's character lies on his deathbed, encouraging his teammates to play on and "Win one for the Gipper!" The line will later become a staple of Reagan's political speeches.

1942 - 1945

Reagan in WWII

During World War II, Ronald Reagan serves in the Army Air Force but never leaves Hollywood. Assigned to the 1st Motion Picture Unit, Reagan helps to produce more than 400 training and propaganda films.


Reagan SAG

Ronald Reagan is elected president of the Screen Actors Guild. In his capacity as leader of the Hollywood actors' union, Reagan testifies before the House Un-American Activities Committee in its investigation of communist infiltration of the film industry.


Reagan Backs Truman

Ronald Reagan backs Democrat Harry Truman for president in the election of 1948.

Jun 6, 1948

Reagan Divorce

Ronald Reagan is divorced by his first wife, actress Jane Wyman. In her divorce filing, Wyman charges Reagan with "mental cruelty." Reagan will later go on to become the first divorced President of the United States.

Mar 4, 1952

Reagan Marries Nancy

Ronald Reagan marries his second wife, Nancy Davis, who will become First Lady of the United States nearly three decades later. Nancy is already pregnant with their first child at the time of their wedding.

Sep 1952

Reagan Votes Republican

For the first time, registered Democrat Ronald Reagan votes Republican, marking his ballot for Dwight Eisenhower in the presidential election of 1952.

Oct 21, 1952

Patti Davis Born

Patti Davis, first child of Ronald and Nancy Reagan, is born in California, just seven months after the Reagans' marriage.


Reagan Registers Republican

Ronald Reagan officially leaves the Democratic Party, registering as a Republican for the first time.


Reagan's Last Film

Ronald Reagan appears in The Killers, a film based on the Ernest Hemingway short story of the same name. The film will be Reagan's last, as the actor will soon abandon Hollywood for politics.

Oct 27, 1964

“A Time for Choosing”

Campaigning for Republican presidential candidate Barry Goldwater, Ronald Reagan delivers a speech called "A Time for Choosing," which encourages conservative voters to meet their "rendezvous with destiny" by voting Republican to "preserve for our children this, the last best hope on earth." The speech fails to rescue Goldwater's flagging campaign, but it marks Reagan's arrival on the national political scene as a rising star of the conservative movement, and becomes known as "the Speech."

Nov 8, 1966

Reagan Elected Governor

Ronald Reagan is elected Governor of California, defeating incumbent Democrat Pat Brown in a landslide.


Reagan Disrupts Berkeley Protests

Governor Reagan sends in National Guard troops to break up student protests at the University of California at Berkeley.

Nov 1970

Reagan Reelected Governor

Ronald Reagan is reelected to a second term as Governor of California.


Reagan Loses Primary

Ronald Reagan runs for the presidency, but is defeated by President Gerald Ford (who inherited the office upon Richard Nixon's resignation in 1974) in the Republican primary. Gerald Ford goes on to lose the election to Democrat Jimmy Carter.

Nov 4, 1979

Iran Hostage Crisis

Radical Islamic revolutionaries in Iran seize the U.S. Embassy, taking 52 Americans hostage. The hostages will remain in captivity for more than a year, their captivity humiliating the seemingly impotent Carter Administration.

Dec 29, 1979

Soviets Invade Afghanistan

The Soviet Union invades Afghanistan, inaugurating a new era of increased confrontation in the Cold War.

Jul 17, 1980

Reagan Receives Republican Nomination

Ronald Reagan accepts the Republican Party nomination for president.

Oct 28, 1980

Reagan Debates Carter

Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter debate on national television. When Carter attempts to attack Reagan as a dangerous conservative ideologue, Reagan replies with a disarming, "There you go again." Reagan surges ahead in the polls.

Nov 4, 1980

Reagan Elected

Ronald Reagan wins the presidency, crushing incumbent Democratic President Jimmy Carter in an electoral landslide. The Republican Reagan wins 44 states, compared to just six for Carter.

Jan 20, 1981

Reagan Inagurated

Ronald Reagan is sworn in as the 40th President of the United States. In his inaugural address, Reagan declares that "Government is not the solution to our problem. Government is the problem."

Mar 30, 1981

Assassination Attempt

Ronald Reagan is shot by a deranged would-be assassin named John Hinckley, who hopes –bizarrely—that killing the president will win him the affections of Hollywood actress Jodie Foster. Reagan takes a bullet to the chest, the shell passing within one inch his heart, but goes on to make a speedy recovery.

Jul 29, 1981

Reagan Lowers Taxes

Congress passes President Reagan's tax bill, slashing income tax rates by 25% across the board.

Sep 1981

First Female Justice

President Reagan appoints Sandra Day O'Connor, the first female justice, to the Supreme Court of the United States.

Jun 8, 1982

Addresses House of Commons

Ronald Reagan tells the British House of Commons that "the march of freedom and democracy [...] will leave Marxism-Leninism on the ash-heap of history."

Aug 25, 1982

Marines Deployed to Lebanon

President Reagan deploys American Marines to war-torn Lebanon to participate in an ill-defined peacekeeping mission there.



The United States endures its worst economic recession since the Great Depression. For the first time since the 1930s, the American unemployment rate exceeds 10%. President Reagan's approval ratings fall to an all-time low of 35%.

Nov 10, 1982

Leonid Brezhnev Dies

Hardline Soviet Premier Leonid Brezhnev dies.

Mar 8, 1983

Evil Empire

President Reagan calls the Soviet Union the "focus of evil in the modern world."

Mar 23, 1983

Strategic Defense Initiative

In a nationally televised address, President Reagan unveils his Strategic Defense Initiative, a proposal to build space-based lasers capable of shooting down incoming nuclear missiles. The press will later label the futuristic and expensive plan "Star Wars."

Oct 23, 1983

Beiruit Marine Barracks Bombed

A suicide bomber kills 241 American marines stationed as peacekeepers in Beirut, Lebanon.

Oct 25, 1983

U.S. Invades Grenada

The United States invades the tiny Caribbean island of Grenada, overthrowing the country's Marxist dictatorship.

Jan 1984

Iran Labeled Terrorist Sponsor

The United States officially brands Iran a state sponsor of terrorism.

Jun 1984

Born in the U.S.A. Released

Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band release Born in the U.S.A., which will become the best-selling record of Springsteen's career and one of the iconic musical productions of the Reagan Era.

Jul 1984

1984 Olympics

The United States dominates the Summer Olympic Games, held in Los Angeles. Benefiting from a Soviet-bloc boycott of the games, American athletes win 83 gold medals—more than four times as many as the second-place Romanians. The Olympic exploits of legendary athletes like gymnast Mary Lou Retton, sprinter Carl Lewis, and diver Greg Louganis fuel a surge in flag-waving American patriotism.

Aug 1984

“Morning in America”

Ronald Reagan's reelection campaign unveils its "Morning in America" television ads, which use nostalgic images of America's heartland to help sell the president's optimistic vision.

Oct 1984

Iran-Contra Affair

Congress passes a law banning the diversion of U.S. government funds to support Nicaragua's anticommunist Contra rebels. The Reagan Administration violates the new law, eventually leading to the Iran-Contra Crisis of 1986 to '87.

Nov 4, 1984

Reagan Reelected in Historic Landslide

Ronald Reagan wins a second term as president, defeating Democratic challenger Walter Mondale in another electoral landslide. Reagan wins 59% of the popular vote and every state but Mondale's home of Minnesota. One out of every four registered Democrats crosses party lines to vote for Reagan.

Mar 11, 1985

Mikhail Gorbachev Rises to Power

Upon the death of Konstantin Chernenko, Mikhail Gorbachev becomes General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

Aug 1985

Arms to Iran for Lebanese Hostages

The Reagan Administration begins sending arms to Iran, via Israel, in hopes that the weapons sales will lead the Iranians to pressure their allies in Lebanon to release American hostages. The secret arms shipments violate President Reagan's pledge never to negotiate with terrorists.

Nov 19, 1985

Reagan Meets Gorbachev

American President Ronald Reagan meets directly with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev for the first time at a summit meeting in Geneva, Switzerland. The two leaders agree to work to reduce both countries' stockpiles of nuclear weapons.

Jan 28, 1986

Challenger Disaster

The space shuttle Challenger explodes shortly after liftoff, killing all six astronauts and one civilian—elementary school teacher Christa McAuliffe—aboard. In a moving tribute delivered a few hours after the disaster, President Reagan says, "The crew of the space shuttle Challenger honored us by the manner in which they lived their lives. We will never forget them, nor the last time we saw them, this morning, as they prepared for their journey and waved good-bye and slipped the surly bonds of earth to touch the face of God."

Oct 11, 1986

Reykjavik Summit

Meeting in Reykjavik, Iceland, American President Ronald Reagan and Soviet premier Mikhail Gorbachev tentatively agree to a plan to destroy all the world's nuclear weapons. While the proposal will never be enacted, the mere agreement in principle to the idea of such radical arms reductions represents real progress in the Soviet-American relationship.

Nov 1986

1986 Midterm Elections

In the midterm elections, Democrats win majorities in both houses of Congress.

Nov 3, 1986

Iran-Contra Scandal

A Lebanese magazine breaks the explosive news that the United States has been secretly selling weapons to Iran. The revelation, quickly confirmed by the Iranian government, marks the beginning of the Iran-Contra Scandal.

Nov 13, 1986

Reagan Denies

President Reagan delivers a nationally televised speech to address the Iran arms-for-hostages scandal. "Our government has a firm policy not to capitulate to terrorist demands," he says. "We did not—repeat, did not—trade weapons or anything else for hostages, nor will we."

Nov 21, 1986

Meese Investigates

Attorney General Edwin Meese, a staunch Reagan loyalist, begins an internal investigation into White House involvement in the Iran-Contra Scandal. Meese allows Iran-Contra conspirator Oliver North to shred thousands of potentially incriminating documents before they can be seized as evidence.

Nov 24, 1986

Meese Finds Guilt

Attorney General Edwin Meese informs President Reagan that his investigation into the Iran-Contra Scandal has revealed that administration officials did sell arms to Iran in exchange for the release of American hostages, and that the proceeds from those illegal arms sales were diverted to fund the anticommunist Contra rebels in Nicaragua.

Nov 25, 1986

Oliver North Fired

President Reagan fires Marine Colonel Oliver North, mastermind of the Iran-Contra operation, from his job with the National Security Council. North's boss, National Security Advisor John Poindexter, resigns. Both men will eventually be convicted of criminal malfeasance for their actions in the Iran-Contra Affair.

Dec 1986

Approval Drops

In the wake of recent revelations of wrongdoing in the Iran-Contra Affair, polls reveal that President Reagan's approval rating has fallen from 67% to 46% in just one month.

Dec 19, 1986

Independent Counsel

Prosecutor Lawrence Walsh, a Republican, is appointed as independent counsel to investigate Iran-Contra.

Mar 4, 1987

Reagan Apology

President Reagan goes on national TV to deliver a confusing apology for Iran-Contra. "A few months ago I told the American people I did not trade arms for hostages," he says. "My heart and my best intentions tell me that's true, but the facts and evidence tell me it's not."

Jun 12, 1987

Mr. Gorbachev, Tear Down This Wall!

President Reagan delivers a speech in Berlin, calling upon Soviet Premier Mikhail Gorbachev to dismantle the Berlin Wall and open the Eastern Bloc to greater freedoms. He famously stated, "General Secretary Gorbachev, if you seek peace, if you seek prosperity for the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, if you seek liberalization: Come here to this gate. Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!"

May 29, 1988

Moscow Cheers Reagan

Citizens of Moscow cheer President Reagan, who is in the city for a summit meeting with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev.

May 31, 1988

Reagan Speaks in Moscow

President Reagan, speaking under a gigantic bust of V.I. Lenin, gives a speech to the students of Moscow State University extolling the virtues of capitalism.