Rhinoceros Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Act.Scene.Line

Quote #4

MRS. BOEUF: I recognize him, I recognize him! (2.1.451)

Mrs. Boeuf shouts this when she gets a good look at rhino-Boeuf. While this whole scene is a bit ludicrous, this is actually a nice comment on identity. It suggests that we are more than our appearance and our voice—that there is something about us that transcends the physical. You know, like all the times when Doctor Who regenerates, but deep down he’s still the Doctor.

Quote #5

JEAN: Funny, I didn’t recognize your voice.

BERENGER: I didn’t recognize yours either. (2.254-256)

If Mrs. Boeuf could recognize her husband as a full-on rhinoceros, but Jean and Berenger can’t recognize each other well before Jean’s transformation is complete, what does that say about these two bosom buds? Are they really that good of friends? That’s something to think about when it comes to the power of identity. Maybe the connection between two people helps define who each of those people is. Or maybe not. Or maybe it's just because of how self-centered these two are.

Quote #6

JEAN: I’m master of my own thoughts, my mind doesn’t wander. I think straight. I always think straight. (2.2.140-141)

Take this out of context, and you might think you’re listening to a former nice guy take the step to becoming a comic book super-villain. It sounds like someone justifying something bad they’re about to do. Even as Jean changes, he still claims that he’s no different than he was in the past. He has identified himself as a man who is calm and clear in thought, and he still sees himself that way even as he changes into a rhino.