Rhinoceros Man vs. The Natural World Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Act.Scene.Line

Quote #4

JEAN: I felt uncomfortable in my clothes. Now my pajamas irritate me as well. (2.2.251-252)

Now that Jean has a desire to join the “natural world” with the rhinoceroses, he can no longer bother with human trappings like pajamas. The animal is coming out in him, and he wants nothing to do with humankind.

Quote #5

JEAN: We’ve got to build our life on new foundations. We must get back to primeval integrity. (2.2.357-359)

There are those who love nature and do want to get back to a more natural way of living (the organic food craze is evidence of that), but there is something that Jean fails to mention. There is a violence and power of destruction in the animals he is looking to join that goes beyond what he is capable of as a man. Remember, the rhinoceroses are not simply the natural world reclaiming its place on earth. These are people who have joined others because they want to trample on stuff.

Quote #6

DUDARD: Perhaps he felt an urge for some fresh air, the country, the wide-open spaces…perhaps he felt the need to relax. (3.1.132)

Just everyday living can be stressful. Trying to go it alone out there isn’t easy. Maybe joining up with the herd would just give you a chance to take things down a notch. You wouldn’t have to worry so much. You could just get out there in the open and do what everyone else does. It’s simple, right? Again, remember the bigger picture here. It’s not just about getting in touch with nature, it’s about turning off your brain and becoming part of an unstoppable, unthinking, uncaring mass.