Right to Bear Arms
Discussion and Essay Questions
Available to teachers only as part of the Teaching the Right to Bear ArmsTeacher Pass
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Sample of Discussion and Essay Questions
- Why do you think the Second Amendment has caused so much debate over the years?
- What is the likelihood that a final interpretation will be made and the issue will be settled for good? Explain.
- According to this case, what was the purpose of the Second Amendment?
- What did it protect? What did it not protect?
- What power did the states hold under this interpretation of the Second Amendment?
- What responsibilities did the states hold?
- What is the doctrine of incorporation and how does it affect the Second Amendment?
- Summarize the ruling in United States v. Miller.
- How did the Court define “the people”?
- How did this definition affect individual gun rights?
- How did the Court open the door to an individual right to own certain types of guns?
- More precisely, who served in the militia?
- Who exactly were (and were not) part of "the people"?
- What sorts of guns were covered under this interpretation of the Second Amendment?
- More precisely, who served in the militia?
- How would you summarize this decision?
- In what ways did it deviate from previous decisions?
- What right did the Court say the Second Amendment guarantees?
- What are the limitations on that right?
- Why is it significant that this ruling applied to a Washington, D.C. law?
- What impact will this ruling have on state laws?