Right to Privacy

Right to Privacy

Discussion and Essay Questions

Available to teachers only as part of the Teaching the Right to PrivacyTeacher Pass

Teaching the Right to Privacy Teacher Pass includes:

  • Assignments & Activities
  • Reading Quizzes
  • Current Events & Pop Culture articles
  • Discussion & Essay Questions
  • Challenges & Opportunities
  • Related Readings in Literature & History

Sample of Discussion and Essay Questions

    Privacy Torts

    1. How do people most commonly seek redress when they believe that their privacy has been violated?
    2. What is a tort?
    3. Are most torts heard in criminal or civil trials?
      • What is the difference?
    4. Why do you suppose people can usually only seek civil remedies for violations of their privacy?
      • Does this make sense to you? Why or why not?

    Expressed Privacy Rights in the Constitution

    1. Does the Fourth Amendment hamstring the police?
      • Do the exceptions allowing for warrantless searches provide police the flexibility they need to do their job? Why or why not?
      • Are these exceptions too generous? Explain.
    2. According to the Katz ruling, privacy rights must be respected wherever and whenever people have a reasonable expectation of privacy. A warrant must be obtained in order to violate this privacy. Does this seem reasonable, or excessive?
    3. What level of privacy should a person be able to expect in a public place?
    4. Should the police have to obtain a warrant to tap a public phone?
    5. Can a whispered conversation in a restaurant booth be taped without a warrant?

    Implied Privacy Rights in the Constitution

    1. What do you think Justice Douglas meant when he said there are implied privacy rights "in the penumbras" of the Bill of Rights?
      • Do you agree with his assessment?
    2. Why do you think the broadest interpretations of privacy rights have been around marriage? 
    3. Do you think that the right to privacy is a fundamental freedom, right up there with the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness stated in the Declaration of Independence? 
      • Why or why not?

    Strict Constructionism and Privacy

    1. What exactly are “penumbras?” What was Justice Douglas saying about the Bill of Rights?
      • Is this a logical or problematic concept? Explain.
    2. Answer the questions below from two points of view: first, from a strict constructionist point of view; then using the broadest possible construction of these constitutional amendments.
      • What “zone of privacy” or “penumbras” do you see emanating from the Fourth Amendment?
      • Is there a “zone of privacy” or “penumbras” emanating from the First Amendment?