Rikki-Tikki-Tavi from The Jungle Book Courage & Bravery Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Paragraph)

Quote #4

Rikki-tikki did not care to follow them for he did not feel sure that he could manage two snakes at once. (32)

Sure, Rikki-tikki is brave, but he's not stupid. Would you take on two cobras at once? Would you take on one? Seriously.

Quote #5

If you read the old books of natural history, you will find they say that when the mongoose fights the snake and happens to get bitten, he runs off and eats some herb that cures him. That is not true. The victory is only a matter of quickness of eye and quickness of foot,—snake's blow against mongoose's jump,—and as no eye can follow the motion of a snake's head when it strikes, that makes things much more wonderful than any magic herb. (33)

If the mongoose has some secret herb that works as antivenin, then their battles are a little one-sided, aren't they? And he doesn't. Instead, it's pure courage that allows the mongoose to go toe-to-toe with a cobra, and the narrator wants you to know he thinks that's pretty cool.

Quote #6

"Those who kill snakes get killed by snakes," said Chuchundra, more sorrowfully than ever.

"And how am I to be sure that Nag won't mistake me for you some dark night?" (42)

"Live by the sword, die by the sword" is definitely not Chuchundra's motto. Hey, you need a not-so-brave character to really appreciate how courageous Rikki-tikki really is.