Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption Cunning and Cleverness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Maybe he knew that it emptied into a stream five hundred yards beyond the prison on the marshy western side. I think he did." (452)

Andy's not a guy who leaves a whole lot to chance. We know he knew where that tunnel emptied.

Quote #8

"For all I know, Sam Norton is down there in Eliot now, attending services at the Baptist church every Sunday, and wondering how the hell Andy Dufresne ever could have gotten the better of him." (457)

This passage demonstrates the stakes involved in Andy's escape, and how getting outsmarted has pretty devastating consequences for Norton.

Quote #9

"There are all sorts of ways to divert yourself, even in prison; it seems like the human mind is full of an infinite number of possibilities when it comes to diversion." (472)

We're back to our other themes of pressure and time here. King seems to be implying that if you lock a man up and don't give him anything to do, he might get much smarter and more creative than you think he could be.