Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption Freedom and Confinement Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Paragraph)

Quote #4

"It lasted twenty minutes, that beer-break, and for those twenty minutes we felt like free men." (191)

What does he want? Beer! But why? Oh right, to pretend you're not chained up in a pit like Shawshank.

Quote #5

"They were there to do hard time, and by God and Sonny Jesus, it was hard time they were going to do." (200)

Don't beat around the bush Steve. What kind of time are they going to do?

Quote #6

"I asked him once what the posters meant to him, and he gave me a peculiar, surprised sort of look. 'Why, they mean the same thing to me as they do to most cons, I guess,' he said. 'Freedom. You look at those pretty women and you feel like you could almost not quite but almost step right through and be beside them. Be free." (221)

The symbolism is pretty heavy here as Andy describes what he likes about his pin-up girls. The poster makes him think of freedom, but it also provides him with actual freedom, since it covers up the big hole.