How we cite our quotes: (Paragraph)
Quote #7
"'When I get out of here,' Andy said finally, 'I'm going where it's warm all the time.'" (325)
King connects hope to the weather—more specifically, to warmth. Maine has very little warmth but Mexico has plenty. The hope/weather connection is very deliberate, and it helps us feel Andy's hope instead of just reading about it.
Quote #8
"All at once he must have realized that, instead of just playing a game, he was playing for high stakes in terms of his own life and his own future, the highest." (487)
This passage refers to the moment when Andy suddenly realizing that he could really, truly tunnel out of the hole he'd been digging. The hope has always been there, but once that switch gets pulled, it goes into overdrive. He needs that hope to pull him through; without it, he's going to be stuck in Shawshank for a long, long time.