
Here's a comprehensive site, dedicated to Lorca and his work. It's even got a list of films about him. Sweeeet.

Here's a pretty thorough biography of Lorca, as well as some suggestions for further reading. Thanks Helpy Helperton.

For all your Lorca basics, check out what has to say.

Here's a more in depth take on your new favorite man-o-verse. Plus a few poems for your pleasure.

Here's a flamenco-style rendition of the poem. We're betting the Lorca would approve.

This version seems to be roughly… 37% cheesier than the first one.

This is a very… uh, dramatic presentation of the poem by an actress. Yeah, dramatic's the word we're going with.

Hear Spanish actor Mistral read the poem—the way it was meant to be heard.

This reading has all the intensity of Gary Oldman. Come to think of it, why hasn't Gary Oldman performed this poem?

Now this is cool audio: Leonard Cohen in concert, giving props to Lorca, before the audio cuts to a Lorca-inspired song of his, "Take this Waltz."

Here he is, looking thoughtful and a bit cocky, if we may say so.

Two surrealists, out for a stroll.
Articles and Interviews

Here's a really thorough, if a bit academic, discussion of "Romance Sonambulo." Be sure to bust out the thinking cap for this one.

This article in The Guardian says that a historian may have figured out what happened to Lorca after all, because closure's always nice.

Check out this New York Times piece about Lorca's time in the Big Apple.

Here's the collection that "Romance Sonambulo" first appeared in, in 1928.

Lorca was also a playwright. This book collects his most famous theatrical work.

Check out Lorca's New York poems, inspired in part by his visits to Harlem.
Movies & TV

This 1996 film about Lorca's death stars the man: Edward James Olmos.

Robert "Twilight" Pattinson as Salvador Dalí? Yes, Robert "Twilight" Pattinson as Salvador Dalí.