Room Quotes by Character
MoreRoom Quotes by Character
Jack Quotes
A Little Ditty About Jack and His MaJack is five years old. He was born in Room and raised in Room. It comes as quite a shock when he finds out that there is more to the world than Room. His Ma was...
Ma Quotes
Bouncing Round the RoomMa is twenty-seven. We never learn her real name, and Jack only calls her Ma. Kidnapped by Old Nick when she was nineteen, Ma spends eight years inside Room. She has two chil...
Old Nick Quotes
Far From Saint NickFor the first two half of Room, the only characters we meet are Jack, Ma, and Old Nick. Old Nick is the man who kidnapped Ma when she was nineteen and locked her in a shed in his...
Grandma and Steppa Quotes
The New NormalGrandma is Ma's (adopted) ma. She believed her daughter had run away, but she always held out hope that she was still alive. During the seven years Ma was gone, Grandma turned Ma's ro...
Dr. Clay and Noreen Quotes
Doctor PoetDr. Clay is the doctor who helps Ma and Jack readjust (or, in Jack's case, adjust for the first time) to the Outside world. Noreen is the nurse who carries food trays and watches over Ja...
The General Public Quotes
Jack encounters a few more people who are named but who are not really developed as characters. The first two people he meets after escaping from Room are Ajeet and Naisha, a father pushing his dau...