How we cite our quotes: [Part.Paragraph]
Quote #1
"Germs could make you die." (1.26)
While this is technically true, this comment by Ma makes Jack unreasonably scared of germs. It also comes from a place of fear: Jack is her son and the only person Ma has, and she has to be really careful because she is not able to get him medical care.
Quote #2
Nothing makes Ma scared. Except Old Nick maybe. Mostly she calls him just him, I didn't even know the name for him until I saw a cartoon about a guy that comes in the night called Old Nick. (1.105)
Ma is scared of Old Nick and for good reason. He abuses and rapes Ma multiple times a week. Even though Jack doesn't know exactly what's going on, he knows it's a reason for fear.
Quote #3
If the rings [of the stovetop] ever go against something like a dish towel or our clothes even, flames would run all over with orange tongues and burn Room to ashes with us coughing and choking and screaming with the worst pain ever. (1.188)
Yikes. That sounds terrible. And it would be. There's no way Jack made up all this detail by himself. He must have gotten it from Ma. She's made sure to scare Jack into being safe, because she doesn't want to lose him, especially not in such a horrible way.