Jack Quotes


Quote 4

"We could smash down the walls." But we don't have a jeep to smash them down or a bulldozer even. "We could… blow up Door." (3.81)

Jack is coming up with ideas from cartoons, which is a nice thought. If only escape in real life was as easy as it is in the cartoons. Our calls to Acme for a big crate of dynamite always go unanswered… and probably have us monitored by the NSA.


Quote 5

Pictures in the window are like in TV but blurrier, I see cars that are parked, a cement mixer, a motorbike and a car trailer with one two three four five cars on it, that's my best number. In a front yard a kid pushing a wheelbarrow with a little kid in it, that's funny. There's a dog crossing a road with a human on a rope, I think it's actually tied, not like the daycare that were just holding on. Traffic lights changing to green and a woman with crutches hopping and a huge bird on a trash, Deana says that's just a gull, they eat anything and everything. (4.1402)

Whew, that's one paragraph. One long, exhausting paragraph. Of course, it's not exhausting to Jack. While he's listing a whole bunch of mundane objects, they're all new and fascinating for him to see. Each of these things flying by as the car zooms down the room provides Jack with an opportunity for exploration.

Jack > Ma

Quote 6

"Let's just stay." (3.246)

This is Jack's response when Ma tries to think of a plan of escape. Do you think Jack wants to stay out of fear, or does he want to stay because Room is home? Or is it a little bit of both?