RUR Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around RUR? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Domin dreams that

his shareholders will make lots of money.
humanity can be master of the world and never have to work.
robots will win the ice-capades.
humanity can make perfect humans, demonstrating that God does not exist.
Q. How do robots stop people from having babies?

People become superfluous, so nature just stops people from having babies.
Robots introduce sterilizing chemicals into human food.
Domin uses Rossum's formula to turn all human babies into robot babies.
Robots are so attractive that people don't want to have children with each other anymore.
Q. Who dies in R.U.R.?

Most of the main characters, but not Helena.
All of the robots.
Everyone on Earth except for Alquist.
No one; everyone comes back as zombie robots.
Q. What does the play say about power?

Human beings need to seize as much power as possible so they don't have to work.
Humans must replace God to fulfill their destiny.
Without enough AC power outlets, the human race will die out.
Exerting power over others can lead to your destruction.
Q. Robots can be seen as a metaphor for

the bourgeoisie.
the working class.
shoppers on the days after Thanksgiving.
the aristocracy.