Salomé Sin Quotes

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Quote #4

JOKANAAN Where is she who gave herself unto the Captains of Assyria, who have baldricks on their loins, and crowns of many colours on their heads? Where is she who hath given herself to the young men of the Egyptians, who are clothed in fine linen and hyacinth, whose shields are of gold, whose helmets are of silver, whose bodies are mighty? Go, bid her rise up from the bed of her abominations, from the bed of her incestuousness, that she may hear the words of him who prepareth the way of the Lord, that she may repent her of her iniquities. Though she will not repent, but will stick fast in her abominations, go bid her come, for the fan of the Lord is in His hand.

SALOMÉ Ah, but he is terrible, he is terrible! (125-126)

Jokanaan calls for Herodias to repent—and yet, he's pretty positive that she won't pay attention to him.

Quote #5

SALOMÉ There is nothing the world so white as thy body. Suffer me to touch thy body.

JOKANAAN Back! daughter of Babylon! By woman came evil into the world. Speak not to me. (145-146)

Jokanaan blames Eve, the first woman, for bringing sin to the world. His understanding of Original Sin leads him to shut down Salomé and, it seems, all women.

Quote #6

JOKANAAN Art thou not afraid, daughter of Herodias? Did I not tell thee that I had heard in the palace the beating of the wings of the angel of death, and hath he not come, the angel of death?

SALOMÉ Suffer me to kiss thy mouth.

JOKANAAN Daughter of adultery, there is but one who can save thee. It is He of whom I spake. Go seek Him. He is in a boat on the sea of Galilee, and He talketh with His disciples. Kneel down on the shore of the sea, and call unto Him by His name. When He cometh to thee, and to all who call on Him He cometh, bow thyself at His feet and ask of Him the remission of thy sins.

SALOMÉ Suffer me to kiss thy mouth, Jokanaan. (157-161)

Jokanaan warns Salomé that she has but one way of saving herself and tells her what she must do. Still, Salomé persists in her seduction.