How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
"Pemberton's a man unafraid of challenges, which is why I married him." Serena paused, a slight smile creasing her face. "And why he married me." (1.29)
As we get to know Serena and Pemberton as a couple, we learn that they are attracted to each other because they aren't afraid of anything. It isn't the stuff of Hallmark cards, but we guess it's sweet in its own way.
Quote #2
Pemberton would hear their quick breaths and not know which were Serena's and which his. A kind of annihilation, that was what Serena called their coupling, and though Pemberton would never have thought to describe it that way, he knew her words had named the thing exactly. (1.149)
Serena describes their sex life as "a kind of annihilation," which begs the question, who or what is being annihilated? Later during the fire, Pemberton admits that her words are perfect. We might question whether it's really love if something is dying, but that could be the romantic in us.
Quote #3
Rachel had believed she was in love, though since he'd been the first man she'd ever kissed, much less lain down with, how could she know. Rachel thought how maybe the Widow was right. If she'd had a mother who'd not left when Rachel was five, maybe she would have known better. (3.28)
Poor Rachel. She's so young to have to deal with such heavy issues. It's not long before she figures out that love—or what she thought was love—is like a kick in the pants sometimes. While she thought hooking up with Pemberton was a good idea at the time, she is saddled with a baby before she knows it.