How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
"This is what we want," she said, her voice deepening, the emotion so often controlled fully unbridled now. "To be like this always. No past or future, pure enough to live totally in the present." (8.9)
This is exactly how love should be, according to Serena. She is so content in the moment that she doesn't need to think about what's going to happen next. Sounds nice. Yet even Serena can't stick to this, and before long, she's researching and lining up donors for her next big break: Brazil.
Quote #8
"You cut up your feet pretty good, but nothing deep enough to need stitches. That was almost a mile walk and you sick as him, and barefoot to boot. I don't know how you did it. You must love that child dear as life." (9.31)
When the doc says this to Rachel after her fever, she realizes that she does love Jacob. Gee, you think? The bond between this mom and son is so deep and profound that nothing care tear them apart, not even a bully with a knife.
Quote #9
"She tried. She told your daddy if he really loved you that he'd let you go, because you'd have a better life if you left here. A lot of folks argued against him for not letting you. They claimed what she said, that if he really loved you he'd have let you go. They thought he did it to spite your mother." (20.32)
Since Rachel's mom left when she was little, she never really understood what went down. It's important for Rachel to realize that her parents did love her, each of them in their own way.