Seven Samurai Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from the Japanese to English translated subtitles of Seven Samurai.

Quote #4

KIKUCHIYO: What do you think of farmers? You think they're saints? Hah! They're foxy beasts! They say, "We've got no rice, we've no wheat. We've got nothing!" But they have! They have everything! Dig under the floors! Or search the barns! You'll find plenty! Beans, salt, rice, sake! Look in the valleys, they've got hidden warehouses! They pose as saints but are full of lies! If they smell a battle, they hunt the defeated! They're nothing but stingy, greedy, blubbering, foxy and mean! God damn it all! But then who made them such beasts? You did! You samurai did it! You burn their villages! Destroy their farms! Steal their food! Force them to labor! Take their women! And kill them if they resist! So what should farmers do?

KAMBEI: You were the son of a farmer, weren't you?

And… Kikuchiyo is de-pantsed. He's so critical of peasants because he used to be one, which demonstrates a healthy(?) self-hatred going on. But he also understands the peasants in ways that the other samurai don't, and bridging that gap ultimately becomes an important part of him cementing his identity.

Quote #5

KIKUCHIYO: There, just you look at this. It's been handed down in my family for generations and generations. And you asked me if I were a samurai! Look at this! Just look at this!

This quote is interesting because Kikuchiyo is trying to prove who he is with an object. One of the reasons he fails here is that he hasn't figured out that a samurai means more than just having a paper and carrying a sword.

Quote #6

KATSUSHIRO: Do you think he's a real samurai?

KAMBEI: Well, he thinks he is.

Fake it 'til you make it, baby. They're talking about Kikuchiyo, who's so devoted to becoming a samurai that he gets there by sheer force of will.